And then Coronavirus changed everything
So there we all were, making our way through the start of 2020. I spent some time initially working on the admin side of my business, looking at the numbers, revamping my website, planning for the year ahead, excited about opportunities to come.
After moving my studio to its new downstairs location, it soon became clear I needed to free up some space, so I decided to hold my first ever online Studio Sale with originals and prints reduced at great prices. I was delighted to see pieces finding new homes to go to, like the original acrylic study above and limited edition prints below – huge thanks to all buyers and email subscribers!
Great to see some more of these prints finding new walls to live on!
The Coronavirus Covid-19 which had already begun spreading its way around the world, inevitably made its way to our little island here in Ireland.
And almost overnight our versions of ‘normal life’ changed dramatically and now here we all are trying to adjust to a ‘new normal’ and make new daily routines around our strange and new found 'social distanced’ lives. Like many other countries, all schools and non essential businesses in Ireland are closed, and those able to are now working from home. With the kids off school however, ‘working from home’ is much easier said than done! And like so many people across the globe right now, my husband and I are now trying to find a new routine of sorts to juggle the mix of his work, my work and the kids school work… all from home, all in each others way – it’s going to take a lot of trial and error but we’re doing our best!
St Patricks Day 2020
Some of my girls St Patrick’s artwork.
In the middle of all this fell St.Patrick’s Day, which with all parades and events cancelled was an unusual one to say the least! Normally we’d get our novelty Irish gear on and head into town with the kids for the Dublin parade, along with the crowds of green dressed people from all over.
It felt really strange not being able to do that this year, but I was really lifted to see how people made the best of the situation, posting their own ‘virtual parades’ online and decorating front windows of houses with children’s artwork for others to enjoy as they went for their ‘social distanced walk’ around their area. Here’s me with my Irish flag face-painted on for the craic!
Use creativity
In these strange and challenging times, there’s a huge need for us all to find ways to keep each other positive. Art and creativity can be a wonderful way to do this and I’ve been trying to make time for this wherever possible. Kids especially love doing creative things like painting, drawing, playdoh, crafts etc. Getting time for my own painting is a challenge, but I’ve been working away gradually on my latest original which is almost there now and I’ll be sharing first in my Spring email newsletter going out soon – for a sneak preview of my latest work sign up below!
Some other resources I have found helpful so far include:
PE with Joe: My brother put me on to this and it’s been a huge hit with my kids. Free PE classes for kids live on YouTube at 9am every weekday – great way to get everyone moving and energised in the morning!
Draw with Rob: My friend showed me this one and my girls have loved doing it. Follow along step by step drawing of some of children’s illustrator Rob Biddulph’s favourite characters.
Isolation Art School: a great initiative on Instagram where amazing artists are sharing art tips and lessons to try at home.
I’m going to add to this list with any other things I find helpful in our quarantined life here.
So for now… good luck everyone and stay safe!
Chat soon,