Artist workspaces in the making!
Lord Mayor of Dublin Caroline Conroy and Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin T.D. at the official launch of the ‘Space to Create’ initiative 22nd June 2023.
Some exciting news from here… yesterday I was delighted to attend the official launch of a fantastic new initiative in our city called ‘Space to Create’.
The initiative is a €9m capital works programme from Dublin City Council Arts Office, Department of Culture and Arts and a private donor, whereby the council are working to refurbish buildings around the city and turn them into much needed artist workspaces, one of which I am thrilled to have been selected for!
This project will see 60 new artist workspaces open up across four sites in Dublin city over the next couple of years, where artists will have an affordable, local space to go, to focus professionally on their work. Last year through a process of open call, shortlisting and interviews, artists were awarded studio spaces in these upcoming sites, covering a wide range of disciplines from visual arts, dance, performance, literature and design.
For me personally, to have an external studio to go to and be able to fully focus on my work will be a game changer, and to be part of a vibrant creative community of artists is so exciting for the possibilities it could bring.
I will of course update whenever I have any further news on this, so if you’d like to subscribe to my ‘Studio News’ you’ll be first to hear more!