Hello Spring!
Well hello and how is everyone doing? And a big ‘Hello to Spring!’ What a joy to see the flowers opening up, the blue skies and milder weather really lifting the spirits like the tonic we all need right now. We were lucky enough to inherit this beautiful magnolia tree in our garden and I always feel it is officially spring when it fully opens up like now!
With the continuing pandemic situation and all the challenges it brings, it has been pretty hard to get much studio time for the first part of this year! Homeschooling at the kitchen table, husband working from home in next room, and the mad juggling of everything else in between. But with the return of schools now (fingers crossed they stay open) I’m really looking forward to getting more painting time again and getting back into the flow of things.
So a little round-up of the end of 2020, where the run up to Christmas was thankfully busy for me, with new and regular collectors buying prints and original pieces of art, their support for which I am so grateful. I’m very excited to share with you the below piece titled ‘All is quiet’, original oil painting 50x70cm on canvas, which was purchased by a fabulous collector as an extra special Christmas gift. The painting was a new work completed last year as part of my ongoing ‘Recuerdos’ (Memories) collection and was inspired by our trip to Spain earlier in the year. Happily lost in a maze of these winding, narrow streets in Sevilla where the morning light tries to sneak into the still quiet streets of the city not long awake.
‘All is quiet’ 50x70cm original oil painting on canvas. SOLD.
Despite not having much studio time of late, ideas for new works have been percolating away in my head, almost bursting to get out. My plan for this year is to build further on my Recuerdos collection towards a show whether in person or online.
I’m also delighted to have several commissions lined up and look forward to working directly with clients again on creating their own special piece of art.
So I’ll be back again soon with another update from the studio – in the meantime, take care and keep creative!