2020 – New year, new space!
New studio space ready to go!
Happy new year!
January is such a great time for reflecting, organising, planning. The end of last year was so busy with my first Art Source RDS exhibition (see separate blog post all about that!) and Christmas sales, all of which I am so grateful for. But after so much busy-ness, I always then love the freshness of a new year and the down time to think and sort and look ahead.
Over the holiday break my little studio which was in the box room of our home, got converted into our youngest’s bedroom, all cute and colourful now. So I gathered all my arty belongings and moved my studio downstairs to its new spot in the front room. With the help of a few shelves and nails for hanging work, I’ve figured out the best way to use the space and am all set now. Looks a bit bare at the mo, as you can see, so can’t wait to start working on a new collection. Also shown here is my totally amazing new daylight lamp which I am completely in love with, not actually sure how I survived without one of these before!
As well as re-locating my studio I’ve also been spending January reviewing and planning for the year ahead, so I’m now feeling ready and full of ideas and will be back to you with an update on new work as it happens. In the meantime there are just these last four original pieces remaining from my latest collection, looking for some lovely homes to go to!
Thanks for following. Here’s to 2020!